Farms4Climate Final Event 2025

F4C Final Event will take place on March 26-27 at Colegio Arzobispo Fonseca in Salamanca, Spain. This event will showcase the key results and insights gained throughout the project. Find the Programme here and how to participate. 


Day 1 - 26th March - Salón de Actos, Colegio Arzobispo Fonseca

10:00 | Registration and welcome coffee

10:45 | Opening ceremony

11:00 | Presentations

  • 11:00 | Presentation 1 - Towards a European framework for carbon removal certification
    Speaker: Tristano Bacchetti, Eco-innovative Agricultural Solutions (SAE).
  • 11:30 | Presentation 2 - Implementing carbon farming on a small scale: challenges and opportunities from a gender perspective
    Speaker: Thoraya Seada, SEKEM Economy of Love.
  • 12:00 | Presentation 3 - MRV and digital technologies for sustainable agriculture
    Speaker: Andrea Ferrarini, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (UCSC).

12:30 | Round table - Creating a sustainable future: key strategies for community organisations in carbon farming

Panellists: The International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM), University of Basilicata (UNIBAS), SEKEM Economy of Love, The International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA). Moderated by: Constantinos Machairas, IFOAM.

13:00 | Cocktail and networking

14:00 | Visit to stands

Day 2 - 27th March - Sala de Pinturas, Colegio Arzobispo Fonseca (limited capacity)

09:00 | Registration

09:30 | Presentation of global project results

10:00 | A 360º view of the results. Programme:

  • Creation and expansion of community-based organisations - Speaker: IFOAM
  • Living Lab Egypt 1 - Speaker: SEKEM
  • Living Lab Egypt 2 - Speaker: Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development (HU)

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break

  • Living Lab North Italy - Speaker: UCSC
  • Living Lab Spain - Speakers: AlVelAl and Commonland (AVA)
  • Living Lab South Italy - Speaker: AGR/UNIBAS
  • Living Lab Tunisia - Speaker: The National Institute of Research in Rural Water and Forest Engineering (EIF)
  • From theory to practice: validation of regenerative practices in F4C - Speakers: HU and ICARDA
  • Carbon Market and MRV - Speakers: AIR and UCSC
  • Project research findings

13:30 | Round table - The legacy of F4C: perspectives, impact and future outlook

Panellists: Representatives from project partners, the advisory board, PRIMA project officer, and the leader of the Spanish farmers' CBO. Moderated by: Carla Gonzales, AIR Institute - Recognition ceremony for key partners

14:00 | Cocktail and networking 

If you want to join us please complete this form.