Farms4Climate living labs continue to share their experiences towards climate-resilient farming systems
The second Farms4Climate roundtable between living labs (LLs) took place in November, with the visit of the southern Italy and Spanish LLs to the TomaTO-C LL in northern Italy. The exchange focused on innovative carbon farming practices, advanced Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) technologies for carbon removal, regenerative agriculture approaches, and the importance of collaboration and practice co-design.

The TomaTO-C Living Lab (LL) in northern Italy stands out for its innovative carbon farming practices, advanced Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) technologies for carbon removal, and regenerative agriculture approaches. These topics were recently addressed by members of the northern Italy LL and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (UCSC) in the context of the Farms4Climate roundtables between living labs, when they received the visit from partners from Agreenment (southern Italy LL) and Aland (Spanish LL).
The roundtable allowed F4C partners Teodoro Berloco and Cipriano Giudice (Agreenment), Miguel Ángel Gómez (Aland) and Andrea Ferrarini (UCSC) to exchange knowledge and experiences on supporting the agro-food sector and farmers in their transition towards climate-neutral and climate-resilient farming systems. The exchange included field visits, demonstrations of precision farming machinery, discussions on region-specific living lab strategies, and fostering collaboration among participants. In particular, the visitors could observe innovative farm machinery for minimum and precision tillage and explore sensors and technologies used for MRV of carbon removals.
Furthermore, participants gained valuable insights into the integration of advanced tools, regenerative agriculture, and localized approaches. The visit highlighted the critical role of co-design, testing, and upscaling of carbon farming practices tailored to local needs, as well as the key role of collaboration between Living Labs, consortia, and stakeholders in scaling sustainable practices. Discussions also provided a platform for knowledge sharing and fostered deeper cross-national connections.