Farms4Climate partner IFOAM hosted last month an online training session presented by Aina Calafat, which aimed to discuss the features and advantages of Community Based Organizations in the agricultural ecosystem.
Farms4Climate partner AIR Institute organized a special session on Blockchain for Climate Action at the last Salamanca Tech Summit's Blockchain Congress, discussing the enormous potential of blockchain and other related innovative technologies in carbon markets
The Regulation aims to promote the development of carbon removal technologies and sustainable carbon farming practices, and presents important changes compared to the original proposal from late 2022. Now, there is an ongoing debate on how to successfully implement it that includes experts from Farms4Climate partners.
Experts from Spain and Italy presented their insights and Farms4Climate project advancements at the first European Carbon Farming Summit and the leading MacFrut Fair 2024.
Farms4Climate partners from Italy, Spain, and Tunisia recently organised a series of workshops and technical days aimed at disseminating the ideas and practices behind regenerative agriculture, while sharing the project's results and fostering partnerships and collaborations among different stakeholders.
Farms4Climate partner SEKEM is one of the three winners of the 2024 Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity for helping local farmers transition from traditional to biodynamic farming while supporting rural development. The Jury of experts was presided over by former German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Members of the Farms4Climate (F4C) project convened for a training session focused on identifying the differences in the efficacy of regenerative agronomic practices across the F4C sites through the modelling of carbon cycle processes.
Engaging stakeholders on carbon farming
The Farms4Climate project periodically organises engagement sessions and disseminations event to raise awareness on the challenges and opportunities for carbon farming. Two of them are described below.
Voices from Farms4Climate’s Living Labs