The goal of the Farms4Climate project is to contribute to transforming the agricultural sector so that it could capture more greenhouse gases than it emits. To meet this vision, stakeholders must develop a common understanding of at least three important elements: what is the actual climate impact of food production; which agronomic practices can help reduce its carbon footprint; and how innovative approaches can be scaled in rural territories. An overview of these elements can be found accessing the following sections.
Focusing on crops and arable land, this section provides a general description of the main aspects that contribute to the carbon footprint of farms, with a brief comparison between intensive and traditional systems.
Agroecology is the application of ecological principles in farm management. In this section, the potential benefits of aligning cropping systems with the rules of nature are presented.
To promote the uptake of innovative solutions, end-users must be involved from the early stage of solution development. Living labs are processes of co-creation that build synergies among multi stakeholders, and their main characteristics can be found here.