
SAE Innova, SEKEM, and Commonland were present at the COP16, a decisive United Nations conference focused on addressing the current global crisis of land degradation and drought. During a dedicated session, they showcased innovative solutions arising from the Farms4Climate project to empower rural communities, combat desertification and restore...

The 4 per 1000 initiative held last October its Mediterranean Regional Conference in Morocco, where Farms4Climate partners Tristano Bacchetti De Gregoris and Ajit Govind joined to discuss soil organic carbon sequestration and soil health in the region. In turn, Wiekert Visser presented F4C project results in an online workshop on Enhanced...

Farms4Climate partners Elvira Marín Irigaray (Aland) and Teodoro Berloco (Agreenment) participated at the OpenLivingLab Days in Romania, where Living Lab representatives, innovators, policymakers, researchers, and community leaders explored the potential of Living Labs in leading impactful systemic changes through societal engagement.

Farms4Climate partner IFOAM hosted last month an online training session presented by Aina Calafat, which aimed to discuss the features and advantages of Community Based Organizations in the agricultural ecosystem.

Farms4Climate partner AIR Institute organized a special session on Blockchain for Climate Action at the last Salamanca Tech Summit's Blockchain Congress, discussing the enormous potential of blockchain and other related innovative technologies in carbon markets